The secret is out…

Those of you that keep up to date with social media may have noticed that something special happened in Brisbane yesterday. A collaboration of sorts, involving myself and five other Brisbane based bloggers (plus one who was present in spirit, while physically being located on the other side of the planet), at one of Brisbane’s brewing powerhouses, Bacchus Brewing.


Here are the facts:

  • Beers were brewed (yep, plural)
  • We did the work ourselves (contrary to a photo that appeared on Facebook that suggested otherwise)
  • A hashtag was agreed upon, #bacchusbeerbloggersseries. Check it out on Instagram and Twitter to see some shots of us in action
  • If you’re lucky, you might get to try some…

But that’s all I’m saying at this stage, since I’m still not sure what kind of detail I can go into. The last thing I want is to cop flack from my fellow bloggers for spilling the beans early (again).

So instead or risking it, I’m just going to post a missing beer from the epic list instead!

Boreale Blanche (#151)
This was another beer that I tried but didn’t realise it was on the list until well after the fact. I had it when I was in Quebec City earlier this year, and I found it to be so bland that I didn’t even think to check if it was on the list! It wasn’t until recently that I was flicking through the book and came across the familiar polar bear logo that I realised my mistake. As such, I don’t have any notes for it. But I did check it in to good old Untappd:

Untappd Rating; 1.5 stars

Untappd Comment: Tastes like weak ginger beer…the fruit used as a garnish (seriously) didn’t help.

Yeah, that’s not a typo; when the waitress bought the glass of beer too my table, it was garnished with a piece of lemon. And a piece of lime. And a piece or orange. This lowered my expectations from the beginning, and no part of the beer was able to raise them again. It’s supposed to be a Witbier, but the one I had was so lacking in flavour that it was hard to tell.

This was a real shame, because I’d tried the Boreale IPA in Montreal and was pretty impressed. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to try it again one day (which would mean a trip back to Quebec!) and I’ll be able to devote some extra time to figuring out what went so wrong the first time.

4 thoughts on “The secret is out…

    • We’re still working out dates for the beers to be available. Hopefully we’ll have a press release in the next few weeks, and some tasty details about what the beers are…

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